Author you’ve read the most books from:
Richelle Mead! Courtesy of her fabulous Vampire Academy series, along with the first books in a couple of
her other series :0)
Best Sequel Ever:
We’ll Always Have Summer by Jenny Han. While it’s the third, and
final, book in the series it’s still technically a sequel and I just love that
book so hard!
Currently Reading:
I’m a terribly indecisive person, so I’m actually reading
three different books at the moment…
Deity by Jennifer
L. Armentrout, What I Thought Was True
by Huntley Fitzpatrick, and An Affair to
Dismember by Elise Sax
Book ADD, folks :0)
Drink of Choice While Reading:
It really depends on my mood, but it’s always either coffee
or tea.
E-reader or Physical Book?
I used to be a die-hard physical book person, but since I
got my Nook HD (which ironically, I use more as a Kindle) I have been all about
the e-books.
Fictional Character You Probably Would Have Actually Dated
In High School:
Colby from The
Disenchantments…I had a thing for awkward boys with less than stellar
self-esteem, they were always incredibly loyal (boy does that make me sound like a jerk).
Glad You Gave This Book A Chance:
Emily’s Dress and
Other Missing Things by Kathryn Burak. It was an auto-approve review copy
so I downloaded it, then promptly forgot about it entirely. I was clearing out
my ADE files and saw it was expiring in 2 days, so I decided to start it. I’m
so thankful that I did, it completely blew me away and has ended up being one
of my all-time favorite reads.
Hidden Gem Book:
Amy & Roger’s Epic
Detour by Morgan Matson. I found this book randomly, on amazon, before I
was a blogger. I was intrigued by the title, so I decided to give it a shot.
And this book rocks! I pretty much feel like Morgan Matson can do no wrong when
it comes to writing, because her second book is just as spectacular.
Important Moment in your Reading Life:
Goodreads, for sure! Twilight
is responsible for getting me interested in reading again, but if it weren’t
for Goodreads I would have had no idea where to start when it came to finding
other things I wanted to read. It’s also responsible for introducing me to the
world of book blogging, prior to that I didn’t know book blogs even existed.
Just Finished:
Pure by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Kinds of Books You Won’t Read:
I don’t mind erotica from time to time, but I will not go
anywhere near the BDSM erotica. I just can’t get into it, it makes me so
Longest Book You’ve Read:
Breaking Dawn by
Stephenie Meyer
Major book hangover because of:
In Honor by Jessi Kirby…I thought about that one for days
after I was finished.
Number of Bookcases You Own:
3, plus the piles of books I have everywhere
One Book You Have Read Multiple Times:
Something Like Normal
by Trish Doller. I actually read this one twice while I had it as a review
copy, and then read it again when I got my finished copy.
Preferred Place To Read:
I love reading curled up on the couch, but I actually do most
of my reading in bed.
Quote that inspires you/gives you all the feels from a book
you’ve read:
“No man really knows about other human beings. The best he
can do is to suppose that they are like himself.” John Steinbeck – The Winter of Our Discontent
This book has got loads of amazing quotes, but this is my
Reading Regret:
I regret reading Divergent. All anyone I talked to insisted
that it was the most amazing book and that I had to read it because there was
no way I wouldn’t love it, and I put it off for a long time, because I am not a
fan of the hype monster. I finally read it, because I really did hope it was
going to be as amazing as everyone insisted and I wanted in on that series
excitement, but I ended up not enjoying it at all. It read incredibly juvenile
to me and I just didn’t enjoy the story. I regret this, because if I’d never
picked it up in the first place, I’d always have that hope of loving it as much
as everyone else.
Series You Started And Need To Finish(all books are out in
The Nightshade Series by Andrea Cremer. I’ve got all three
of them, and I really enjoyed the first book, but I just never got around to
finishing the series…one of these days.
Three of your All-Time Favorite Books:
In Honor by Jessi
Kirby, Where She Went by Gayle
Forman, and Something Like Normal by
Trish Doller.
Unapologetic Fangirl For:
J.A. Souders. She’s actually the first author I ever met in
person, and awkwardly asked if I could take a photo with, and she is an
absolute doll. Not to mention I completely adore her book, Renegade. I have multiple signed copies of my own, but since she
and I share a home state, I often get to attend events in which she is present.
So I always purchase and have her sign another copy and then send it along to
someone who I just know will adore it as much as I do :0)
Very Excited For This Release More Than All The Others:
The Unbound by
Victoria Schwab. The Archived was the
best start to a series I have ever had the pleasure of reading and I cannot
wait until The Unbound is in my
impatient little hands!
Worst Bookish Habit:
Giving away books before I’ve read them. I have so many
books and, like most of you, not enough space. So, every once in a while, I’ll
go through my shelves and pull out books that have been there for over a year
and I’ve never touched, and they get to go to shiny new homes.
X Marks The Spot: Start at the top left of your shelf and
pick the 27th book:
Hopeless by Colleen Hoover
Your latest book purchase:
Antigoddess by
Kendare Blake. I haven’t been buying any new books lately, but I couldn’t
resist that cover, and the epic sounding story housed within it.
ZZZ-snatcher book (last book that kept you up WAY late):
This Song Will Save
Your Life by Leila Sales. I stayed up all night reading that bad boy, so
Hope you guys enjoyed getting to know a little about my bookish habits :0)
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