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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Turning the big 3-0 and what that means for this little ol' blog...

Today is the first day on my adventure of being 30. Things are absolutely nothing like I expected them to be once I got here, but I guess that's the way life goes. Anyway, the point of this post is to give anyone who occasionally enjoys this here blog, or anyone who happens upon it randomly, a little insight into the direction it will be heading over the next year. I'm feeling a little down about turning thirty and so I thought I'd do something about it. Instead of being bummed and feeling old all year, I'm going to make this the year that I become my best self. I'd like to be healthier, happier, less cynical, and more adventurous. So I plan to spend the year trying new things and making the most out of the old ones. Along the way I'll be blogging, vlogging, sharing photos, and anything else I can come up with to share my goings on. This used to be a place solely about books and there will still be bookish things, because I will forever be a book lover, but I'm expanding my world and broadening my horizons. So if you want to follow along on my journey this year, welcome aboard, I'm glad to have you. I can't promise it will be constantly exciting or even a little bit funny, but it will definitely be something.

Here's to anyone and everyone embarking on a journey of their own, no matter what type of journey it may be!


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